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MSHP - Strength and Human Performance (MS)

COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES Masters Master of Science

Degree Type

Master of Science

Major Title

Strength and Human Performance (MS)


The mission of the Master of Science degree in Strength and Human Performance program at Parker University is to prepare graduates to apply evidence-based research to promote health, enhance physical performance, apply principles of strength and conditioning, and prevent athletic injuries. (Edited December 2022)

Catalog Full Description

The Master of Science degree in Strength and Human Performance provides a comprehensive study of evidenced-based research in physiology, biomechanics, and human metabolism to enhance health, function, and physical performance. This program prepares students for advanced graduate work in research and for professionals in a health-related field to strengthen their knowledge and application of exercise science. The courses are designed to facilitate certifications from the American College of Sports Medicine and the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

Students may choose to enroll in the MS in Strength and Human Performance with the Strength and Conditioning concentration. The Strength and Conditioning concentration includes an internship experience that simulates real-world job responsibilities in a related field. Internships require students to work full-time with assigned work schedules. Interns will perform hands-on application, as relevant to the field. The Internship requires 300 hours of work-related experience and course assignments to be completed during the final semester.

Students that complete the MS in Strength and Human Performance may be eligible for the following certifications:

  • American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Certifications:

  • ACSM Certified Personal Trainer (ACSM-CPT)

  • ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP)

  • ACSM Certified Group Exercise Instructor (ACSM-GEI)

  • ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-CEP)

  • ACSM Exercise is Medicine Credential

  • ACSM/ACS Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer (CET)

  • ACSM/NCHPAD Certified Inclusive Fitness Trainer (CIFT)

  • ACSM/NPAS Physical Activity in Public Health Specialist (PAPHS)

National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Certifications:

  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

  • Certified Special Population Specialist (CSPS)

  • NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT)